Benad's Web Site

As you can guess, I've been quite busy in the past few months. And there's a reason: my new MacBook Pro.

At first glance, it looks the same as my 3-year-old 1.5GHz PowerBook. But there are two things that makes it stand out.

First, a full 1080p HD screen. That is, my screen is a whopping 1920x1200 pixels, compared to 1440x900 before. That almost twice the amount of pixels as I had before, and is the equivalent of a 23" flat screen on a 17" laptop.

Well, apart from squinting more at my screen and watching 1080p previews, why would I need such a big screen, especially on a laptop? Well, because I can?

Actually, with software development, more text on screen is always better, regardless of the size. There's nothing more satisfying than having a terminal screen following log files at 300 columns of text and 80 rows.

Also, I started using Macs on a 512x342 black and white screen, where every pixel would count. To give you an idea, this is where I started, and this is where I am now.

Secondly, it's an Intel chip. A "Core 2 Duo" at 2.4GHz, or whatever that is. Coupled with an amazing 800MHz motherboard, running Windows XP Pro with Boot Camp inside VMware Fusion is smooth. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me summarize: you run Windows at the same time as your Mac or after a reboot, you choose, and both options are fast (no emulation).

Yes, I'm running both Mac OS X and Windows XP at the same time. I still have a hard time adapting to this "fusion"...

Published on August 9, 2007 at 16:56 EDT

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