Benad's Web Site

Interesting Java trace logger for debugging purposes.
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Limpid Log: log for debugging without log statements

Limpid Log is a revolutionary logging system. You do not need to hard code log statements. At runtime, you can register a class of interest and the system will log all important information about the class. When you are done, you can de-register the class and the class will not generate any log information anymore.

Limpid Log logs critical information about the execution of the program. But the raw data from Limpid Log, like the data from other logging system, is difficult to read by human. There is a need for a debugger/tracer which can debug/trace the execution. Debugger/tracer is out of the scope of Limpid Log. Limpid Debugger supports Limpid Log providing similar functionality of a GUI debugger.

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Published on May 28, 2008 at 17:06 EDT

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