Benad's Web Site

Sorry for the terribly slow updates... I'm reworking on my homepage, and while it still doesn't look great, it has nice JavaScript animations, thanks to the moo.fx and Behavior, and it still looks great without JavaScript and/or CSS.

The excuse? I've been quite busy at work (who isn't?), and in the bast month I've had to fiddle with no less than 4 new operating systems (RedHat EL 4, Fedora Core 5, Gentoo 2006.0, Sun Solaris 10), so I'll post the battle stories later.

Oh, and the "blogger" theme for LiveJournal messed up, so I'm reverting to another random one.

Sorry everyone, no April's Fools joke here... I'm keeping my energy for starting to do my taxes today.

Published on April 1, 2006 at 10:20 EST

Older post: Best.. Birthday... Gift... Ever... Thank you Dave!

Newer post: Memories of UML...