Benad's Web Site

Here are some interesting software releases in the past few month:

Java 1.6
For me, it looks more like an incremental update than anything else, and could have been named 1.5.5 or something, but still an important release. I know, most of the important changes are "under the skin", but still I can't help but think that the only interesting new ting for a developer is the scripting API. Apple has a "developer preview" release, but the PowerPC version has the JIT compiler deactivated, i.e. it will run really slow on my laptop.
Groovy 1.0
Speaking of scripting in Java, Groovy finally released version 1.0. For now, this is my favorite scripting language for Java.
D Programming Language, version 1.0
The only programming language good enough to be called the proper successor of C. Even now I still consider C++ a hack, and both Objective-C and C# too dependent on a large run-time engine to be a proper "compiled language" that could replace C. I'll have to make another entry just on D, but for now I can say that in about 2 years it could replace C as my compiled/fast language of choice, while keeping Java and Perl for the rest.
ZFS on FUSE/Linux, version 0.4-alpha
First usable version of ZFS for Linux. It still has some limitations, for example you can run an executable off a ZFS partition, but there is only a few months left before a 1.0-beta. If you know the advantages of ZFS over almost all other file systems on the market today, this can be huge.

OK, enough for now. I was planning to write a review of Ghost in the Shell, Standalone Complex (which I found in a store after all), but I'm too tired.

Published on January 6, 2007 at 14:46 EST

Older post: Decisions...

Newer post: Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex