Benad's Web Site

For at least over a decade we've been depending on Flash to play games on web sites. That's not so great. If only there was something more reasonable to replace it...

And now, I am seeing more and more HTML5-based games that only require an up-to-date browser. For example A Man's Quest and 7Soul's Tower. Unlike the convoluted DOM-based JavaScript hacks that passed as games before, with HTML5 you have a full pixel-based rendering area, sound, multi-threading, good performance, and even OpenGL.

Is it as good as Flash? Not yet, but it's getting quite close. The level of interactivity we'll soon see in typical web pages will not only increase, but also do so without relying on 3rd-party code that could be a security attack vector like Flash or Java. Also, having everything in a web page may even give a chance for it to gracefully degrade the "level of interactivity" depending on the device's performance, something that was sorely lacking from Flash.

Published on December 3, 2012 at 21:25 EST

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