Benad's Web Site

Being "connected" to the world through the Internet can make every day's pace to be hectic. Combine that with the simple consequence of the inter-connectedness of billions of people, where every single important event is made aware to the rest of the connected world instant, and that's enough to make anyone dizzy or exhausted after a while.

The problem with this, beyond the aforementioned exhaustion and stress, is that this can have an impact on creativity and, in the greater scheme of things, wisdom.

Now, I would be overstating things a bit if I say that in my field of software development "creativity" and "wisdom" are essential. But to completely neglect them has a perverse effect on the overall quality of what is produced. True, most developers need tight deadlines and pressure to work, otherwise they're just lazy. And financial interests are still important.

So then I wonder what would be the quality of my work if I just had more time to make something good, be it at work or outside work, be it software development or anything else. I know I'm a hard worker, and I know that even under pressure (or in spite of) I can do great things. But the constant rush of partly complete results rather than delivering something "when it's ready" (and yet be timely) at work is straining me.

Published on March 31, 2012 at 18:34 EDT

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