I mentioned a few months ago that I bought the 6th season of "30 Rock" on iTunes. Was it worth it? Yes, but only if you've been following the series for at least a season or so.
In this season Liz gets a stable boyfriend, Jack misses Avery and ends up flirting with her mother, Jenna and Jack break up to see if they really want to be with each other, and Kenneth ends up being a janitor. The page Hazel is introduced to replace (complement?) Kenneth.
In terms of writing, it is less bold than previous seasons. The "Leap Day" episode is quite original, but is hit-or-miss for the comedy. But then, character development that last multiple episodes was the focus throughout the season. It was quite interesting to see each character growing into something different (funnily, not always better) after years of constant personalities. So while not as funny, that season was quite rewarding for fans that cared even only a tiny bit for the characters.
I'm not surprised at the rumors that the next season will be the last one. It often feels like they've run out of original ideas, and looking at the progression of the characters it really seems like the show is going towards an ending that will not suck and feel satisfyingly complete.
Published on May 19, 2012 at 20:31 EDT
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