Benad's Web Site

So, this new update of Dropbox for iPhone can automatically upload your photos online to your (private) online folder. This is similar to Google Plus' iPhone client, and Apple's Photo Stream, which originally sparked the idea.

I'm uneasy about this, for two reasons. The first is the obvious privacy implication. Even if the photos aren't public, are you really sure you want to upload all your photos to a supposedly trusted 3rd-party service? The second is the less nefarious issue that we tend to take multiple shots "just in case", and you're going to waste all that bandwidth for shots you don't want to keep.

Maybe I'm too "old school", but I'd rather use a Canon S100 with an Eye-Fi SD Card to upload the photos to my computer at home, or my iPhone on-the-go. No need to bust my 3G plan and drain my phone's battery just because I want to take a few shots...

Published on June 14, 2012 at 21:05 EDT

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