Benad's Web Site

Well, I finally did it. Rather than procrastinating by posting details about my attempts to recode my web site in HTML5, I actually did it first, and then a week or so later I wrote an article about it.

After all is said and done, it looks almost the same. Which is what I wanted anyway. The biggest difference is how great is now looks on tablets and cellphones. To try it out, resize your web browser when viewing my web site. You can also use the "adaptive view" in Firefox's developer tools (right-click, inspect element, the square button at the top-right of the developer pane).

My next step is now to find a way to make it far less cumbersome to post a new article on the web site, but those are server-side tools you'll never have to see.

Published on August 4, 2013 at 15:28 EDT

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