Benad's Web Site


April 29, 2012: My Old Laptop

April 28, 2012: Flipping the Switch

April 27, 2012: Not Getting Lost Anymore

April 26, 2012: If I Could Draw

April 25, 2012: The Adventures of Lolo

April 24, 2012: Managing C

April 23, 2012:

April 22, 2012: New Web Design Tools

April 21, 2012: Blog Move Almost Done

April 20, 2012: Learning a New Language

April 19, 2012: Kubrick Upgrade

April 18, 2012: Norwegian Wood

April 17, 2012: Server Bloat

April 16, 2012: Back To Work

April 15, 2012: Lolita

April 14, 2012: My Blog is now on

April 13, 2012: No Console

April 12, 2012: The Plot is Missing

April 11, 2012: Macs are Still Not PC-compatible

April 10, 2012: The Ten, Make That Nine, Habits of Very Organized People. Make That Ten.

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