April 13, 2021: Upgrading to the Pi 400
February 23, 2021: RAM Compression on Linux
November 28, 2020: Restic: Modern Linux Backups
June 29, 2020: The Borderlands
May 18, 2020: Backing Up Two-Factor Authentication Keys
February 9, 2020: The App Subscription Model
September 29, 2019: More Open-Source Password Managers
May 20, 2019: Browsing Home
April 11, 2019: Saving the Terminal to HTML
February 10, 2019: Monorepos and Semantic Versioning
December 2, 2018: Upgrading to HTTP/2
September 16, 2018: A Eulogy for Small Phones
July 17, 2018: Python 3.7 on CentOS 6
July 11, 2018: Streaming Music From Google Play to Apple
June 29, 2018: Stretching to Debian 9
May 8, 2018: Watching YouTube and Twitch with MPV
March 30, 2018: Those Games About the Creed of Assassins
January 9, 2018: Raspberry Pi as a DVR
December 29, 2017: Batteries and Planned Obsolescence
November 6, 2017: Raspberry Pi: Your Home Linux Server