Benad's Web Site


October 26, 2012: C# and Doxygen

October 25, 2012: Synesthesia

October 24, 2012: Toys for Adults

October 23, 2012: The Analog Hole

October 22, 2012: Defining Processes

October 21, 2012: Windows Modern UI Usability

October 20, 2012: "Trust Us" Security

October 19, 2012: Book: Destination: Void (Colon)

October 18, 2012: Hipster UNIX

October 17, 2012: The Bundle Dilemma

October 16, 2012: If I won the lottery, I would...

October 15, 2012: Debt

October 14, 2012: Nokia and Linux

October 13, 2012: Independent Media

October 12, 2012: Christmas Deadline

October 11, 2012: Streaming Music Redux

October 10, 2012: Review

October 9, 2012: An Alternate Readability App

October 8, 2012: The HDD Comeback

October 7, 2012: Saint-Saƫns' Requiem (Op. 54)

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